Dr. White appears daily as a mental health contributor to KRON4 News Bay Area Morning Buzz focusing on stress management during COVID19.
Featured on The Today Show as an expert on young men’s response to the #metoo movement. February 6, 2019
BBC World Service, The Why Factor: Racism, April 11, 2014 (featured expert).
Thrive Global, Why we need role models to destigmatize mental illness, January 29, 2019
Modern Healthcare, Commentary: Culturally competent care can help African American mental illness stigma, September 22, 2018
Thrive Global, We need to normalize mental health care in the Black community, July 27, 2018
USC Trojan Family Magazine, Four Professors Find Purpose After Difficult Pasts, by Diane Krieger, Summer 2016
Dr. Howard Gluss Show. The Republican race war and the conservative media, (podcast), May 25, 2012 (featured guest).
Vh1, Here’s what Hollywood gets wrong about bipolar disorder May 5, 2016 (featured expert)
Women’s Health, These are the many faces of mental illness: My bipolar disorder was misdiagnosed as ADHD, as told to Carrie Arnold, May 2016
Slate, How accurate is Empire’s portrayal of bipolar disorder, by Aisha Harris, March 10, 2015 (featured expert)
The Economist, Asylum in the USA for gay Jamaicans. October 25, 2014 (Letter to the Editor)
Relationships 2.0 with Dr. Michelle Skeen (KCAA 1050AM, Inland Empire, CA: www.kcaaradio.com), Preventing Bipolar Relapse. October 7, 2014 (featured guest).
The Gleaner (Jamaica) Gay rights are human rights. by Ruth C. White, May 27, 2014 (Letter to the Editor).
Ask Dr. Annie Abram (blog talk radio: podcast), Women in Depression, March 11, 2013 (featured expert).
Financial Times On sexual harassment at work, March 6, 2013 (Letter to the Editor).
Shine on Yahoo.com: ‘GQ Publishes Offensive “Hottest Women” List’ by Elise Sole, Jan 16, 2013 (featured expert). This quote went viral across media outlets around the world.
KOMO4 News (Seattle): Trayvon Martin Teach-In. Seattle University (featured expert).
Marie Claire, ‘Love and race’, April, 2012 (featured expert).
Woman’s Day, ‘Understanding depression at mid-life‘, by Cheryl Platzman Weinstock, November, 2010 (featured expert).
Parent Map (Seattle) Hunger in a land of plenty. by Ruth C. White, November 2007 (column).
Parent Map (Seattle) Health care for children: A right or a privilege? by Ruth C. White, November 2007 (column).
Seattle Post-Intelligencer Family values platform not reflected in policy. by Ruth C. White, October 2, 2007 (Op/ed).
Seattle Times I am not a scary person by Ruth C. White, October 26, 2006 (Op/ed).
Black Enterprise Stamping out ignorance. by Ruth C. White, July 2006 (Letter to the Editor).
En Español
El Columbiano (Columbia): Snap: cuatro claves para vivir sano y feliz by Maria Jesus Ribas, June 2, 2013
Vanguardia (Mexico): Snap: cuatro claves para vivir sano y feliz EFE, May 27, 2013
Terra Espana (Spain): Snap: cuatro claves para vivir sano y feliz by Maria Jesus Ribas, May 24, 2013
El Comercio (Ecuador): Conozco las cuatro claves para vivir sano y feliz May 22, 2013